Compartments of leg vasculature
Compartments of leg vasculature

Spontaneous bleeding in coagulopathic patientsīecause shock leads to reduced peripheral circulation, patients with polytrauma are at a high risk of compartment syndrome with muscle ischemia.Increased capillary permeability (e.g., due to shock).Prolonged poor positioning of limbs (e.g., of immobile patients).Edema from venomous animal bites (especially snake bites).Reperfusion syndrome with ischemia-reperfusion edema.Penetrating injuries (e.g., gunshot, stab wounds, iatrogenic radial artery perforation).arterial injuries) into muscle compartment Hematoma and edema from long bone fractures.Constrictive bandage/cast applied before the limb has stopped swelling.The prognosis of compartment syndrome is generally good with early and appropriate management. Chronic compartment syndrome is also often associated with pain it can be exacerbated by exercise and relieved by rest, and is usually managed with conservative treatment. Acute compartment syndrome requires early fasciotomy (an incision through the fascia) within six hours of onset to prevent severe ischemic necrosis. This diagnosis should be suspected in the presence of typical clinical findings and then confirmed via measurement of compartment pressures. Pronounced neurological symptoms with motor deficits, absent pulses, and poikilothermia occur later on and indicate irreversible damage.

compartments of leg vasculature

Acute compartment syndrome is a surgical emergency that initially presents with rapidly progressive pain, paresthesia, and pallor. Compartment syndrome may be acute (e.g., after trauma) or chronic (e.g., collectively excessive training in athletes). It most commonly affects the lower legs, but can also occur in other parts of the extremities or the abdomen. Compartment syndrome is a condition in which increased pressure within a muscle compartment (containing nerves and vasculature, enclosed by unyielding fascia) leads to impaired tissue perfusion.

Compartments of leg vasculature